BALI – Bali Poltekpar once again held the “BOOTCAMP STPRENEUR Pre Incubation Batch VIII” which was held at Four Points by Sheraton Ungasan, 20-23 October 2022
This bootcamp was attended by 31 participants, some of whom were netted in the Design Thinking Workshop held last February and some of them were student representatives from study programs such as ADH 12 students, MTH 4 students, MAH 2 students, MBP 1 student, MTB 8 students , MKP 2 students, and MKH 2 students.
From the 31 students, 8 tenants were formed, namely Heaven Hell Group, Bemcha, AGREABLE, Swastamita Team, Creative design and printing, Biscu and Tempo before, now and in the future.
The Head of the BOOTCAMP STPRENEUR Pre Incubation Batch VIII Committee who is also the Head of the Bali Poltekpar Entrepreneurship & Career Guidance Unit, I Putu Esa Widaharthana, SE., M.Sc. who was met after the opening of this activity explained that the background of this activity was the direction of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy so that 30% of Poltekpar graduates became entrepreneurs.

BOOTCAMP STPRENEUR Pre Incubation Batch VIII Participants. FOTO – IST.
In addition, there is also Presidential Decree Number 2 of 2022 concerning National Entrepreneurship Development in 2021-2024 which underlines that the development of national entrepreneurship aims, among others, to synergize policies and programs for National Entrepreneurship Development organized by ministries/agencies, Regional Governments, and Stakeholders, strengthening the Ecosystem. Entrepreneurship in Indonesia, fostering entrepreneurship that is oriented towards added value and able to utilize technology and increase entrepreneurial capacity and business scale.
In line with this goal, continued the man who is familiarly called Esa also explained that this Bootcamp activity is an Entrepreneurship Unit program which is held twice a year and this opportunity is the second bootcamp this year.
The purpose of this bootcamp activity is to capture the entrepreneurial talents of Bali Poltekpar students to then enter the business incubator program, as well as train students in managing and developing their businesses so that they are competitive and can run sustainably.
In addition, this activity is also one of the stages of screening for Tenant Batch VIII STPreneur which will later be incubated for 3 months through a mentoring program with entrepreneurs who have expertise in their respective fields.
This Bootcamp activity was held for 3 days, Thursday (20/10) to Saturday (22/10) with the speakers presented were entrepreneurs who provided knowledge and experience in how to build a sustainable business like Genio with the materials Team Building and Leadership. Benny Santoso with Creativity and Problem Solving, Wira Sedana with Financial Budgeting, Ayu Linggih with Business Process & Operational Strategy, Gde Brawiswara with Type of Funding and Ogek Putri closed the material with Marketing Strategy.
The most exciting event was on the third day (Saturday, 23/10) where the participants did business pitching and meet and match with the mentors.
Meanwhile, Deputy Director III Poltekpar Bali Dr. LUH YUSNI WIARTI, A.Par.,SE,M.Par.,M.Rech who opened the BOOTCAMP STPRENEUR Pre Incubation Batch VIII event emphasized that the Bali Poltekpar Bootcamp is one of the events held annually by the Entrepreneurship Unit and in This is precisely the eighth year this bootcamp event has been held.
The Bali Poltekpar Entrepreneurship Unit Bootcamp has a purpose, namely as a provision to start the business incubation period of batch VIII with mentors which will be carried out later.
Wadir III hopes that during these 3 days the participants can absorb as much knowledge as possible from the speakers so that later it will be very useful in incubation activities.
In addition, continued Wadir III, this bootcamp event is also an event that can change or upgrade the participants themselves to understand more about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is one of the drivers in the economy. Indonesia needs at least 4 million entrepreneurs to be able to take part in strengthening the economic structure. Therefore, the younger generation, especially the bootcamp participants, need to be passionate about entrepreneurship.
Hopefully this bootcamp event can provide valuable benefits and experiences for the participants. And thank you to all relevant parties who have helped organize this bootcamp VIII Bali Poltekpar Entrepreneurship Unit and apologize profusely to all participants or invitees if there are any shortcomings. and negligence in organizing this bootcamp event,” said Wadir III closing the conversation. ***