HARD ROCK HOTEL BALI Celebrates FOUNDER’S DAY With Heartwarming Community Engagements

by Editor Bali

BALI, ULTIMOPARADISO.COM  – Hard Rock Hotel Bali marked 53 years of Hard Rock’s establishment with a heartwarming event focused on giving back to the community. This annual event, celebrated every June 14, commemorates the founding of the first Hard Rock Cafe in London in 1971 by founders Peter Morton and Isaac Tigrett. It is also known as Founder’s Day and is built upon four guiding mottos: All Is One, Love All Serve All, Take Time To Be Kind, and Save The Planet. The Founder’s Day celebrations this year were truly memorable. Hard Rock Hotel Bali team had the opportunity to visit YPAC Bali and hosted an appreciation lunch for Scholars of Sustenance. 

On Tuesday, June 11, Hard Rock Hotel Bali team visited YPAC Bali, a remarkable residential school for children with physical and intellectual disabilities, founded by Nyonya Sukarmen in 1975. YPAC Bali’s dedication to enhancing the lives of these children is truly inspiring. The team was warmly welcomed by the children, teachers, and the chairperson, Mr. I Putu Nitiyasa. The strength and resilience of the children left a lasting impression on everyone. During the visit, Hard Rock Hotel Bali donated essential supplies and funds contributed by hotel employees, spending unforgettable moments connecting with the children.

Another local hero who continues to provide tremendous support to the community and assists numerous establishments in distributing surplus food, The Scholar of Sustenance, was invited to enjoy a heartfelt appreciation lunch with their team and the founder, Bo H. Holmgreen on Friday, June 14. The Scholars of Sustenance is a non-profit food rescue foundation that has been making a positive impact since 2012. The organisation addresses various challenges by minimizing food waste and ensuring meals reach those in need. 

Shane Coates, General Manager of Hard Rock Hotel Bali, expressed his sincere appreciation for the opportunity to commemorate this occasion. “Every year during Founder’s Day, Hard Rock Hotel Bali takes the time to recognize and celebrate local heroes who have made significant contributions to the community and the environment.” He added “This tradition exemplifies our profound gratitude for those devoted individuals who embody the essence of our core values, showcasing unwavering dedication to making a positive impact. By honoring these local heroes, we reaffirm our commitment to creating a better and more compassionate world.”

The day’s events underscored Hard Rock Hotel Bali’s ongoing dedication to its founding principles, particularly emphasizing kindness and community support. This celebration is a testament to Hard Rock’s enduring legacy and its commitment to making a positive impact.

To learn more about Hard Rock Hotel Bali, please visit website at: https://hotel.hardrock.com/bali.


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