Three Foreign Teachers at Luminaris PAUD Still Being Intensively Examined

by Editor Bali

DENPASAR, ULTIMOPARADISO.COM – The activities of Foreign Nationals (WNA) who illegally seize the livelihoods of local Balinese residents are getting worse.

Not only encroaching and taking over micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Bali.
Now a number of WNA in Bali have also taken over jobs in the world of education by establishing schools under the guise of “development education centers”.

And even worse, using the villa accommodation as a place for the teaching and learning process for early childhood education schools (PAUD); play groups and kindergartens.

In relation to the three WNA who are teachers at PAUD Luminaris who use the villa as a teaching and learning process, the Ngurah Rai Immigration Office continues to monitor and supervise.

“I just checked. Currently, their positions (the three foreign nationals) are still under intensive examination. It is possible that next week, if the examination is complete, we will press release,” said Alexander Maxwell, Public Relations of Ngurah Rai Immigration, Saturday (7/9/2024)

In a separate place, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno confirmed that many foreign nationals’ activities in Bali have become the focus of attention and are disturbing the public.

In fact, many tourists cause problems and disturb the public while they are in Bali.

He firmly requested that foreign tourists who violate the rules cause unrest, and work without a visa or work permit be dealt with firmly and then deported to their country.

“Strictly dealt with and then deported. Agreed. Must be firm, if they violate the law must be dealt with according to the applicable regulations. Work or activity permits must be in accordance with the visit visa. We must not give off a signal of a permissive attitude. Must be firm and give clear legal sanctions,” said Minister Sandiaga after speaking at the MICE TO YOU event, Monday (2/9/2024).

With this firm and straightforward action, Indonesia wants to send a message to the world community that Bali is a dignified tourism.

“Prosecuted and amplified or socialized. Deportation and prevented from returning. For those at high risk, emphasis must be given not to enter Bali. Including those who take jobs from local people and MSMEs,” he said.

According to Minister Sandiaga, firm action and deportation are very effective because it has been proven that only 250 were deported out of a total of 6.5 million who came to Bali. “If we look at it, it is quite effective. Firm action and deportation,” he said.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan also highlighted the activities of foreign nationals who took over local residents’ jobs and even made obscene nightclubs.
The reckless actions of foreign tourists irritated the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan

According to him, there are many tourists in Bali who have problems. “There are around 200 thousand foreign tourists in Bali. Most of these tourists bring problems to Bali and the local community. Starting from environmental issues to culture,” said Luhut Binsar Panjaitan while giving a speech at the 2024 Quality Tourism Conference on Thursday (29/8/2024).

Meanwhile, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan also revealed that many foreigners were starting businesses, taking jobs from local people so that people lost their livelihoods.

Luhut stated that the government no longer wanted to see foreigners replace local jobs in Bali.
“Don’t misunderstand this, because we also don’t want local jobs to be replaced by foreign tourists. We don’t want to see this happen. We also have to create prosperity for the Balinese people,” said Luhut. ***

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